The Gilded Cage (The Prison Healer #2) by Lynette Noni

Kiva trades one cage for another when she leaves behind a deadly prison for a deceptive palace.

Kiva Meridan is a survivor.

She survived not only Zalindov prison, but also the deadly Trial by Ordeal. Now Kiva’s purpose goes beyond survival to vengeance. For the past ten years, her only goal was to reunite with her family and destroy the people responsible for ruining their lives. But now that she has escaped Zalindov, her mission has become more complicated than ever.

As Kiva settles into her new life in the capital, she discovers she wasn’t the only one who suffered while she was in Zalindov—her siblings and their beliefs have changed too. Soon it’s not just her enemies she’s keeping secrets from, but her own family as well.

Outside the city walls, tensions are brewing from the rebels, along with whispers of a growing threat from the northern kingdoms. Kiva’s allegiances are more important than ever, but she’s beginning to question where they truly lie. To survive this time, she’ll have to navigate a complicated web of lies before both sides of the battle turn against her and she loses everything.

First line:
They had to keep running.
Library ecopy
4 healers out of 5
Every time I think I have it all figured out, Noni pulls the rug out from under my feet. The last 100 pages were once again a wild ride. 

This book can drag a little at times, but overall it is a great addition to the series. I do wish there was a little more confrontation with about Kiva and Jaren's traumas but I do appreciate the book did acknowledge them in some form and not have the characters go about their merry ways.

I love Kiva and Jaren. This is definitely a slow burn romance, but i was here for it every step of the way. Sometimes it did get annoying that Kiva could not choose a side, but once you put her life and her time since she's escaped into perspective, I do believe it is more believable her struggling with the decision and how to reconcile her feelings for Jaren and her desire to be a part of her family again.
